
We are looking for passionate and dynamic people to build a vibrant team. If you are interested in our research, you may find below opportunities at several levels:

Postdoctoral Research

Candidates interested in pursuing theoretical, numerical, or experimental research in our group are encouraged to apply. Candidates are expected to be motivated and independent. They should be capable of leading a research direction while mentoring fresh PhD students. The applications of strong candidates may be considered for the following internal fellowships:

  1. C V Raman Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  2. Axis Bank Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Candidates may also look for external funding schemes, such as

  1. National Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  2. NBHM Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  3. Women in Science and Engineering
  4. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Apply here to initiate the discussion.

Graduate Research

Candidates who have been offered admission to Ph.D./M.Tech. programs at IISc are welcome to email us their CVs and discuss research opportunities in the group.

Undergraduate Research

Candidates currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in engineering, physics, or applied mathematics are encouraged to apply through the following fellowship programs:

  2. Science Academies

Apply here if you missed the aforementioned fellowships, but you are passionate about experimental mechanics.

Project Assistants/Associates

We may have an opening for a Project Assistant/Associate for a project on Mechanical Metamaterials very soon. Candidates with demonstrated skills in experimental mechanics are encouraged to apply. Exposure to Robotics, 3D printing, and vibration testing is desirable. The salary would be as per IISc norms.

Apply here to initiate the discussion.